Sunday, August 7, 2011


How to preserve and conserve Malaysia's environment =)

I'm a MALAYSIAN.. I was born in PENANG..

To protect the exotic environment of Malaysia,

1. we must have the SPIRIT!!
(spirit dance =P)

2. I can't do this alone, we must do it together for it to be a success :)

3. We have the spirit and teamwork. Now, it is the PLAN.. hihihi

--- please throw the rubbish at the proper place- dustbin /garbage can,
 not on the road, river, field or any places except the garbage can!

--- not just any garbage can, you have to categorize your rubbish.
     this is call RECYCLE~

4. Lastly, keep up your good work!

"MALAYSIA is SO SO SO beautiful and amazing :)"

p/s: sorry late ASILAH~ <3

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ya usto'~~ r u a spy or what?!!!

setelah sekian lama x tulis anything kat blog ni~
 finally, a post-this post.. start2 tajuk dah marah org dah..

usto' or in MALAY, we say pemandu teksi, eja die dlm arab,- alif, sin, to is USTO'!!!

TODAY, exam finale module 13, epidemiology.
I don't know what to comment on this exam, but YES, there's miscalculation T_T
even if I shed a bloody tears, time won't go back round for me to change it..

so, after exam, ape lagi, ENJOY!!! kasi lepas semua tension..
di mana? BALBA~ great place, great food, great FRIENDS :)
wish I could have loabster next time.. hehe

after makan, CARREFOUR, teman atie and ainaa shopping..
rse cam nak patah kaki jln!!!  but, it's fun~

main point is BILE NAK BALIK!!!
seperti biasa dah malam dah ni, actually 10 o'clock.. wkt biasa leave carrefour..
oo..oo.. seperti biasa khidmat musyrif x pakai..
slalu je rasa nak pakai, tapi segan sebab shopping lama =_='
so, tahan r taxi satu.. great! dapat dah!
atie duk depan, ainna and I duk belakang..
then, conversation happened :
(just summarized and translated, x igt sgt =p)

usto': medic ke?dah hbis exam?
we: aah..x hbis, mggu depan ade lg..
( hati: tau2 je pakcik teksi ni)
usto': so, pasni blik msia ke?
we: aah.
usto': brape harga tiket? 
(hati; apehal pakcik ni nak tau harga tiket ak, satgi tibe2 igt org kaya plak bile ckp, cepat TUKAR TOPIK)
we: x r, separuh blik, separuh x blik..sbb ramadhan sini best!

then ckp2.. tnya lg benda tentang duit

usto': sewa rumah brape? 1000 ke? 1200??
we: aah, 1000.. mahal sgt!!!( saje ckp mahal, padahal tau ni dah cukup murah nak dpt kat sini)
usto': brape org tggl satu rumah?
we: 5( x pe tipu, it's a white lie =p)
usto': so kire 200 r sorang..
(hati: perlu ke ko kire??)

then,die bawa taxi ke jln len.. dah cuak dah ktorang ni... cam nak tercabut jantung.. die kata SHORT CUT.. dah stat dah buruk sangka ak kat die.. jln tu dah r x de org, die bawa laju. nasib baik ak kenal jln tu, tu betol r jln short cut ~ jln belakng.. fuh~ lega!

then, after that, borak lg.. then die tnya

usto': x borak ngan family guna laptop?? interface semua?
(hati: die x ckp komputer but LAPTOP!!!)
we: x de..(hah! another lie!!)
usto': pi r cybercafe.. pastu die kate nnti beli laptop, harddisk ke........blablabla( x igt)
we: (silent and angguk)
we: r u an engineer?? (tnya sbb tibe2 je die tau byk tntng computer)
usto': x , saya akauntan..

huh! a shocking revelation!!!then, jln2 lg, die kata short cut, ok r sbb jam teruk..
(hati: katne??katne? katne ni!!!!!! btol ke short cut? )
then, tada~~ sampai dah syari' abu air( x tau spelling).. betapa lega nye hati ini!!
OUR DECISION : jgn berhenti depan rumah, x nak die tau rumah kat ne.. so , berhenti kat depan tram camp ceazer.. this is a wise decision :D 
(hati yg buruk sangka: tibe2 die pecah rumah ak wkt ak blik msia kang camne?? )
I know it's bad to think of people like that, but we must take precaution sgt..
actually on the way, mcm2 lg r die tnya..

but one thing most horrifying sepanjang perjalanan,
die x senyum or gelak langsung pun semasa berbual ngan ktorang!!! MUKA DIE SAMA JE SEPANJANG PERJALANAN!!! STATIK!!! KERAS!!
like he was program to ask us question~~~( my thinking)

so, plez bdak2 MALAYSIAN studying in foreign country, jgn disclose or reveal any information about your financial status!! It's DANGEROUS! like you are saying, come rob me, i'm rich!!! or diorang mungkin spy~~(imagination)

" I love my country. Tanahku tempat tumpah darahku :)"

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dae Jang Geum :D

The turbulent LOVE has faded away with the wind
Like the stars and moon
It has dropped into the mountain

Even one thousand years of love
It is as being carved on the morning dew
Though it is beautiful~
It will eventually disappear

I am standing looking at the sky that has no limit
Looking at the sea
My heart follows the sunset
Following in to the deep sea and disappear

"love fades away"